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Getting Started with Your Own Site Getting Started with Your Own Site
Posted in: Hosting | by Brian | 2017 Sept 27
As a business owner, you have a desire to reach your customers and tell them what you do and how you are different/better than your competition.

You want them to know you will be around and stand behind your product or service.

As businesses grow, sometimes you have to make changes and you want to let your customers know how these changes effect them. Such as when a business is moving to a new location or you have new hours, a new phone number or new foods on your menu..

You want your customers to keep coming back through your growth cycle and even have the ability to recommend you to friends or coworkers.

These are all reasons why you need an effective way to get the word out. Something that you have control over and can change whenever the need arises.

A restaurant with new menu items
You are an artist or musician and you want everyone to know where your next performance is located.
You have multiple locations and you want people to find the one closest to them.

These are all reasons why you need an effective way to get the word out. A website is not the only means to communicate with your customers, but it can be one of the quickest way to get the latest news out for the least cost.

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