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How to turn on Raspberry pi audio through the headphone jack How to turn on Raspberry pi audio through the headphone jack
Posted in: HowTo | by Brian | 2017 Feb 18
Raspberry pi
If you are new to using a Raspberry pi and don't know how to get sounds from the headphone jack, here is a simple procedure.

If you have access to the desktop screen through the hdmi connection, click on the forth item in the task bar to open the terminal.

Type the following command:
sudo raspi-config

A window will open up.

Scroll down to [advanced options] and hit return.

Scroll down to [force audio out through ....] and hit return.

Scroll down to [Force 3.5mm headphone jack] and hit return.

Scroll down to [finished] and hit return.

You may follow these same steps to reverse the setup to connect audio to hdmi or auto..
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