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Tell a friend! How to set-up an Apple Airport Basestation

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How to set-up an Apple Airport Basestation.
An Airport Basestation, sometimes called an Access Point ( AP ) is the computer's version of a cordless phone base unit and the WI-FI card is like the hand set. If you have 2 or more computers, they can all share one phone line and one server side IP#. Though, if you do this using a dial-up modem, the baud rate is like a bottle neck for transfer intensive applications. ( Trying to do two or more file downloads at the same time. )

The first time you get one, the process is rather daunting, but after you get it going, it works pretty well... This page will try to simplify the set-up procedure.

You don't need an AIRORT CARD to set-up a BASESTATION like they sugget to properly configure a BASESTATION. All you need is a computer (I used a Mac G4 Cube) and an EtherNet HUB or (e-switch)....which is better.
Step 1
Connect the Computer to the e-switch and the e-switch to the Basestation. or
Connect the Computer to a ethnet cross-over-cable and the ethnet cross-over-cable to the Basestation.

Ethernet DHCP Step 2
Open "TCP/IP" and make these settings.

Connect Via: Ethernet
Configure: Using DHCP Server
Sellect A BaseStation Step 3
Run your "AirPort Admin Utility" program and look for the Basestation name to appear. Click configure and you will be asked for a password. If this is your first time setting up a Basestation, you will need to use the factory setting or reset it to the factory setting by inserting a paperclip into a small hole on the bottom.

The default password listed in the manual is: public
Naming Your BaseStation Step 4
Reset the password to something easy, like 1234, so you can gain access easily until configuration is complete. Then you can change it again once you've gotten everything set-up the way you want. If you forget your new password, go back to step 3 and make a new one.
Changing your internet connect mode Step 5
Configure modem
On the left: Configure your internet access parameters. For dial-up users, select the type of modem, you can enter in 2 phone numbers, your user name and user password.
On the right: Just do what the picture shows.
Configure TCP/ IP using PPP
The numbers for the DNS servers should be provided by your ISP and the domain name is the name of your ISP. In the picture, was
Sellecting the checkboxes Step 6
Just check all 3 boxes closet to the left side and the dot labeled: "Share a single IP using (DHCP)"
Limiting who can connect to your system Step 7
You can leave this section blank, unless you plan to limit who you let in to your network. Just enter the number located on the back of your wi-fi card. It may be labled as... MAC Address: followed by a number.
Step 8
Have fun!
Back to Wi-Fi page.
Additional Help:
DHCP Troubleshooting
In Mac OS 9.x and earlier, how do I connect to the IUB or IUPUI ...
Setting Up the Laptop to Access the Internet in the Classroom
ITS: DHCP Configuration using Mac TCP/IP (Open Transport)
ITS: Static IP Configuration using Mac TCP/IP (Open Transport)
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